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Find a Medicare plan 1-833-848-0761 (TTY/TDD: 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., seven days a weekShop plans

Find a doctor, dentist, or pharmacy

Your AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage coverage gives you access to a large network of providers in New Jersey. Additionally, AmeriHealth contracts with an independent pharmacy benefits management (PBM) company to provide Medicare Part D prescription benefit management services, and pharmacy networks.

Find a doctor, specialist, or hospital

You can search for in-network health care providers (doctors, specialists, hospitals, urgent care centers, retail clinics, and more) in several ways.

Search our online Find a Provider tool

Use our online search tool to find doctors, hospitals, and other health care facilities that participate in the AmeriHealth Medicare PPO network.

Find a provider

Please note: To search for pharmacies near you use our Find a Pharmacy tool. To find participating providers for in-network routine dental, vision, and hearing benefits, use our search tools below.

View the Provider/Pharmacy Directory — updated 6/1/2024

View a printable list of network providers, using our Provider/Pharmacy Directories below. The Provider/Pharmacy Directory includes a list of doctors, hospitals, DME Suppliers, pharmacies and more. You can also request a printed copy be mailed to you by calling our Member Help Team.

Please note, if you discover an error in the directory information, including if a provider is no longer accepting new patients, please call 1-866-569-5190 (TTY/TDD: 711), seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please note that on weekends and holidays from April 1 through September 30, your call may be sent to voicemail.

To learn more about the resources and services available with your health plan, view our Stay Healthy page.

Find a dentist

For in-network routine and comprehensive dental coverage members must use the Dominion Medicare Dental Network. To find a participating provider use our Find a Dentist search tool below.

Find a dentist

To learn more about routine and comprehensive dental coverage, view our Stay Healthy page.

Find a vision provider

AmeriHealth Medicare PPO members have routine vision coverage included in their health plan and must use a Davis Vision provider for in-network routine vision care. To find a participating provider use the Davis Vision search tool below.

Find a Davis Vision provider

To learn more about routine vision coverage, view our Stay Healthy page.

Find a hearing provider

Routine hearing exams, evaluations, and hearing aids must be provided by a TruHearing® provider. All hearing services that are not covered by Medicare must be obtained by a TruHearing provider. Any care received from a non-participating provider will not be covered by the plan.

To find a TruHearing provider or schedule an appointment for routine hearing services, call 1-833-414-9748 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST.

To learn more about routine hearing coverage, view our Stay Healthy page.

Find a network pharmacy

AmeriHealth contracts with an independent pharmacy benefits management (PBM) company to provide Medicare Part D prescription benefit management service. For more information on the AmeriHealth pharmacy network, visit our Find a Drug page or locate and confirm that a pharmacy is currently in our network:

Find a network pharmacy

Addiction treatment

Use Shatterproof's ATLAS to find an addiction and substance use disorder treatment facility for yourself or a loved one.*

Find a treatment facility

*Shatterproof, a national non-profit dedicated to reversing the addiction crisis in the U.S., is leading the implementation of ATLAS®, a quality measurement system for addiction treatment facilities. Shatterproof is an independent company that provides behavioral health services for AmeriHealth.

Opioid treatment programs (OTPs)

Opioid treatment programs (OTPs) are covered under Part B of Original Medicare. AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage members can receive coverage for these services through their plan. Covered services include:

  • FDA-approved opioid agonist and antagonist treatment medications and the dispensing and administration of such medications, if applicable
  • Substance use counseling
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Toxicology testing

Search for in-network providers who are issuing OTP services.



Website last updated: 8/8/2023

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