Welcome to your health plan

We appreciate having you as a member and we look forward to serving you. Below are a few tips to help you get the most from your health plan.

Get connected

Start maximizing your benefits by getting connected with AmeriHealth. Sign up today and begin receiving:

  • Personalized reminders about your health
  • Notifications to help you access important plan information
  • Alerts on how to get the most out of your health plan

Sign up for AmeriHealth Wire, our secure text channel, text messages, and/or email to stay in the know.

Get started

Terms and conditions

Register now

Set up your profile on our member website so you can access all your benefits in one place.

Get started

Manage your health plan

You can view your member ID card, benefits, recent claims status, and access many other tools and resources when you register or log in at amerihealth.com/login, our secure member website.

You can register up to 15 days prior to your coverage effective date using the ID number on your member ID card or your Social Security Number. It just takes a few simple steps, and then you'll be able to start using the tools and resources available to you right away.

Register/Log in

Get your benefit details

Log in at amerihealth.com/login to view benefit details for your health plan. You can learn what services your plan covers, your care options, and other important details. You'll also find a glossary of key terms plus money-saving tips for using your plan to the fullest.

If you haven't done so already, you can also download the free AmeriHealth mobile app for your iPhone or Android. To log in, use the same username and password as you do when you log in at amerihealth.com/login.

For Medicare Advantage members: You can view your Evidence of Coverage and plan details online at amerihealthmedicare.com.

Download the free AmeriHealth app

If you haven't done so already, you can also download the free AmeriHealth mobile app for your iPhone or Android. To log in, use the same username and password as you do when you log in at amerihealth.com.

Download it on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

Find a doctor or pharmacy

Register or log in at amerihealth.com/login to find a doctor, hospital, or other health care provider in our extensive network by name, location, and specialty.

If you have a prescription drug (Rx) plan, you can also click the pharmacy icon on your homepage to:

  • Find a participating pharmacy
  • Find/price a drug
  • Access the pharmacy mail-order service, if that is available to you

For Medicare Advantage members: You can learn more about your Provider/Pharmacy network online, visit amerihealthmedicare.com/directory.

Medicare plan members

Find a doctor

All other plan members

Find a doctor

Get care

Use your member ID card to get quality care from our extensive provider network. If you received a new ID card before your new plan year starts (for example, January 1), you should continue using your current ID card. When your new plan year starts, you can destroy your current card and start using the new one you received.

Remember to show your member ID card to doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers whenever you receive care. It has important information for you and your health care providers.

If you have Rx coverage, you should show your member ID card to the pharmacist when you are getting a prescription filled.

For Medicare Advantage members: You should also show your member ID card to a AmeriHealth Medicare Dental Network dentist, Davis Vision provider, and TruHearing® provider for your dental, vision, and hearing coverage.

ID card

  1. Your member ID number
  2. Your pharmacy ID numbers (if you have Rx coverage)
  3. Your primary care provider's name (HMO plans only)
  4. Your health plan name and out-of-pocket costs
  5. Icons for your coverage (e.g., medical, vision, Rx)

Medicare ID card

  1. Your member ID number
  2. Your pharmacy ID numbers (if you have Rx coverage)
  3. Your health plan name and out-of-pocket costs
  4. Icons for your coverage (e.g., medical, vision, Rx)

Choose your primary care provider

You aren't required to select a PCP, but it's still a good idea. They can be your trusted partner in taking care of yourself and getting the health services you need.

To choose or change your PCP, register or log in at amerihealth.com/login.

Know your options for care

When you need care, you should see your PCP first, because they have the most complete picture of your medical history. If they are unavailable and you need immediate medical attention, you have other options for care, including retail health clinics, urgent care centers, and Telemedicine if this benefit is available to you. It's important to know what your options are before you need them.

Want to know more about how your plan works and ways to save? Visit amerihealth.com, amerihealth.com/medicare or log in at amerihealth.com/login.

Website last updated: 12/4/2024